
I love this word.


It reminds me of another word that I discovered recently.


They were the perfect words to take with me to Bali.  This was time shared with friends with a whole different feel to Europe.  This was time to be still, time to meditate, time to reflect, time to share, time to rest.  This was time to ask questions, and this was time be patient and not chase the answers.  It was time to let the answers find me, in the stillness of my friendships and in the stillness of my own heart.

How often do you pause?

How often do you allow yourself simply to flow wherever your thoughts take you?

How often do you find that safe place to release yourself from all that binds?

How often do you find time’s generosity?

Bali was the whisper of dawn.  The new day, the new season, was awakening.  But it was still in slumber, it was still before.

And I stopped.  I abided.  With God.  In the moonlight that I love.

And I asked,

“How will what I’ve discovered outwork?  What will my new season look like?  What will our new season look like?”

For we are no longer changing seasons.  We have changed.  There was before Europe.  And now there is after Europe.

A whole new day.  Dawning.

In which to dream bravely and find my muchness.

I am moonlight, not always seen, but always there, always felt, travelling around the world, bringing a gentle light to darkness, bringing clarity, a pathfinder and a waymaker.

My calling.

“May you listen to your longing to be free. May the frames of your belonging be generous enough for your dreams. May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart. May you find a harmony between your soul and your life.”

John O’Donohue




