• Dream it together?

    We can work as small teams or as a whole staff altogether in a staff meeting. And we can meet wherever you feel the most comfortable. Let’s share our story and write our next chapter together.

  • Build it individually?

    Or we can work one-to-one. Perhaps you would like support with study? Or with registration? Or with appraisal goals? Perhaps you would like support with your wellbeing, or with managing your time?

Let’s begin with coffee; your story, my treat!

Please get in touch. I would love to explore how we could work together; this is just the starting point…

  • $100 per hour

    How would you like to work?



  • $350 for a package of 4 sessions

    A session a week for a month?

  • $800 for a package of 10 sessions

    A session a week for a term?

    A session a fortnight for 2 terms?

    A session a month for a year?

  • Bespoke

    We can weave education and wellness to create exactly the story you wish for.

    It’s just a conversation away.

Make it beautiful.