These boots were made for walking…


…and I love the many paths of my story.

I am a professionally qualified teacher and NLP practitioner, with many years of experience in the education world. I love learning, and I am happiest working alongside anyone of any age in any environment when we are exploring, sharing, building and growing together as our journeys overlap.

I began teaching in mixed ability, mainstream classes in primary schools in the UK, and I extended my career through becoming the first Education Officer at Sacrewell Farm and Country Centre, working alongside teachers and children from all education sectors.

After immigrating to New Zealand, I extended my career again through qualifying as an early childhood teacher and working in a number of Early Childhood Education Centres locally in the Queenstown area.

Recently, I have shared the adventure of winter seasons at Coronet Peak and Cardrona, marrying my love of teaching and mentoring with my love of the mountains and mountain culture.

I have also qualified as a facilitator for SPACE, and I am passionate about building SPACE sessions locally through the Salvation Army as a volunteer. I love the way that relationships with parents bring a richness and depth to my practice as a teacher as well as to my life as a mum myself.

And, through my passion for SPACE and for working alongside parents as well as teachers, I have most recently found my home with Playcentre, taking on the positions of Facilitator, Centre Advisor and Education and PLD Tutor for Te Whānau Tupu Ngātahi o Aotearoa.

All of these communities have been special and I have stayed in touch with each of them. It feels an incredibly rich tapestry, woven from many diverse threads.

I have learned over the years that the key to longevity in this career that I love is to be mindful of the importance of wellness and what I know to be my identity.

"The wellbeing of children is inseparable from the wellbeing of all the critical adults in their lives." (Dr Stuart Shanker)

My current adventure, having studied and qualified as an NLP and Timeline Therapy Practitioner, is to found my own business, affiliated to Your Life Live It.

I call myself Interwoven and I specialise in working with teachers, parents and children, as a mapmaker and pathfinder.

  • Stitch...

  • ... by stitch...

  • ... by stitch.

“One day at a time, and find the little things in each day that bring you peace and make you smile.”

  • Stitch...

  • ... by stitch...

  • ... by stitch.

I have evolved a simple personal philosophy for both education and for life in general:

  • Relationships underpin everything and everyone. They are the most important thing we will ever build in our stories; they are the foundation for everything we will learn and become, and they create the safe space in which to do so.

“No man is an island, entire of itself… “ John Donne.

  • Our most important relationship is with God and our next is with ourselves, the unique and dearly loved individuals that God has created us to be. Know, understand, accept and love ourselves as we are. Think carefully before compromising; we matter. These two relationships will underpin all others.

“Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.” Max Ehrmann.

  • When we can teach, share and walk this out with all with which we work and play, we make a difference.

“You will teach them to fly, but they will not fly your flight.  You will teach them to dream, but they will not dream your dream.  You will teach them to live, but they will not live your life.  Nevertheless, in every flight, in every life, in every dream, the print of the way you taught them will remain.”  Mother Theresa.