Finding My Purpose…

…and this all began with an idea from that time. Just one idea! For me, it wasn’t about wanting to launch a business to begin with at all. As we came out of lockdown, it was all about the Peace Room…

Have you ever wanted to turn a hobby into something more? Or maybe you already have a creative project that you would love to share with the world, if only you dared?

Whatever it may be for you, this is going to be my story, and I would love to think that the telling of my story online could make all the difference to someone else, as well as being something that I will be able to enjoy reading back one day. And be able to say, “I did that!” What if this blog became a diary of years? Just imagine if I were to look back in a decade’s time and see so many entries that the only sensible place to begin re-reading would be right back at the start. Here!

I think this is not where I will worry about sounding professional. This is where I will just be me. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but I think my story will separate this one from the rest, because it is unique and special. Everyone’s is. And the people who find my blog will be exactly the people who are meant to. If I read the words back and I don’t hear my own voice in my head, then that will be a good sign that I still have more work to do. I wonder how my voice will change over time?

I am going to be clear, I am going to be confident and I am going to try not to overthink it! The beauty of my story is that it’s going to continue to evolve, and my professional site will evolve with it.

My goal will be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

The Peace Room at Wakatipu Playcentre in November 2020


Climbing Mountains…


Once Upon A Time…