Falling Over…

Today, I am up at Coronet Peak again. I am not skiing, though. I am sitting in the cafe, drinking coffee and writing my journal.

It’s not a bad place to be. The coffee here is really very good. And so is the atmosphere. I love everything about the mountain; the cold air, the warm laughter, the white snow, the colourful outfits.

I am incredibly grateful that this is my backyard.

I am less grateful that my participation this season has become that of an observer.

The girl at the top of the mountain? The girl who didn’t fall there, but who climbed? The girl who knows that she can climb anything now? She has a new mountain to climb.

Two days after my last blog, I fell and injured my knee. I wasn’t doing a particularly hard run. I just caught the tip of my left ski on a clump of snow that turned out to be disguising a tussock. I tore the left and right lateral collateral ligaments in my left knee. I think I might have torn more. My heart, as it has been wise to choose to finish skiing for this year; my mind, as my confidence has been shaken. Can I really climb anything?

So, I have a new story to tell. Only, I suppose it isn’t really. Next season I still want to be able to say, “I did that!”

NLP has clarified for me something that I think I have always understood instinctively. Our actions and choices are driven by our emotions, and our emotions flow from our thoughts.

So, what strategies am I going to adopt, so that I am strong in my mind?

I am going to make sure that I know that I am physically strong. I am going to have regular physio sessions and commit to doing the strengthening exercises set for me. I am also going to get on my bike and train for Motatapu. Apparently biking is the best exercise I can do right now, as it strengthens the muscles around my knee whilst keeping my knee straight and square. I think knowing that I am physically strong and fit will influence my confidence.

Before ski season I will engage with one of my Your Life Live It colleagues and check that I have not made any limiting decisions or embedded any limiting beliefs. I think checking my mindset will influence my confidence.

I am going to begin next ski season with a lesson or two. I think revisiting skills and techniques with an expert will influence my confidence.

And I will probably treat myself to a new piece of gear, because I will just enjoy the pleasure that brings me, and I will not be able to resist trying it out!

I will continue to be thankful that this is my backyard. And, as I write this, I know that I am already choosing to participate again. This has been the most beautiful place on Earth to have an accident.

I have almost a whole year to make this mindset a habit…

Beginning the climb.


An invitation for advent…


Climbing Mountains…